Take part, get involved, give feedback

Take part in one of the regular research conversations run by People in Health West of England, where members of the public can hear about local research projects and give researchers feedback on their work.

Start contributing to a project you’re interested in and provide valuable insight to our researchers. Don’t worry if you’ve never done anything similar before, our researchers will be happy to discuss any questions you might have.

How do research conversations work?

Research conversations are informal and designed to give researchers and public contributors a chance to interact. Public contributors are encouraged to ask questions, learn about and get involved in projects in their area. Sessions usually take place once month on Tuesdays 5-6pm or Fridays 11am-12pm.

How you can get involved

Get in touch with Carmel McGrath, if you are interested and would like to take part or see our events page for upcoming sessions.

Research conversations were inspired by a similar initiative hosted by the Wessex Public Involvement Network and could not have been developed without their support.