Establishing the cascade of care for hepatitis C in England – benchmarking to monitor impact of direct acting antivirals. Simmons R, Ireland G, Irving W, Hickman M, Sabin C, Ijaz S, Ramsay M, Lattimore S, Mandal S.
J Viral Hepat. 2017 Dec 14. [Epub ahead of print]
Research theme: Evidence synthesis
Development of an intervention to reduce antibiotic use for childhood coughs in UK primary care using critical synthesis of multi-method research.
Lucas PJ, Ingram J, Redmond NM, Cabral C, Turnbull SL, Hay AD.
BMC Med Res Methodol. 2017 Dec 28;17(1):175.
Research theme: Primary care/Community trials
Estimating the impact of antiretroviral treatment on adult mortality trends in South Africa: A mathematical modelling study.
Johnson LF, May MT, Dorrington RE, Cornell M, Boulle A, Egger M, Davies MA.
PLoS Med. 2017 Dec 12;(12):e1002468.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Lack of Secondary Transmission of Ebola Virus from Healthcare Worker to 238 Contacts, United Kingdom, December 2014.
Crook P, Smith-Palmer A, Maguire H, McCarthy N, Kirkbride H, Court B, Kanagarajah S, Turbitt D, Ahmed S, Cosford P, Oliver I.
Emerg Infect Dis. 2017 Dec;23(12):2081-2084.
Research theme: Responsive research
Importance and contribution of community, social, and healthcare risk factors for Hepatitis C infection in Pakistan.
Trickey A, May MT, Davies C, Qureshi H, Hamid S, Mahmood H, Saeed Q, Hickman M, Glass N, Averhoff F, Vickerman P. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2017 Dec;97(6):1920-1928.
Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2017 Dec;97(6):1920-1928.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Can Chlamydia Serology Be Used to Help Inform a Potential Future Chlamydia Vaccination Strategy?
Horner P.
Sex Transm Dis. 2017 Dec;44(12):722-72140889.
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
Secondary stressors are associated with probable psychological morbidity after flooding: a cross-sectional analysis.
Tempest EL; English National Study on Flooding and Health Study Group, Carter B, Beck CR, Rubin GJ.
Eur J Public Health. 2017 Dec 1;27(6):1042-1047.
Research theme: Responsive research
Global, regional, and country-level coverage of interventions to prevent and manage HIV and hepatitis C among people who inject drugs: a systematic review.
Larney S, Peacock A, Leung J, Colledge S, Hickman M, Vickerman P, Grebely J, Dumchev KV, Griffiths P, Hines L, Cunningham EB, Mattick RP, Lynskey M, Marsden J, Strang J, Degenhardt L.
Lancet Glob Health. 2017 Dec;5(12):e1208-e1220.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Global prevalence of injecting drug use and sociodemographic characteristics and prevalence of HIV, HBV, and HCV in people who inject drugs: a multistage systematic review.
Degenhardt L, Peacock A, Colledge S, Leung J, Grebely J, Vickerman P, Stone J, Cunningham EB, Trickey A, Dumchev K, Lynskey M, Griffiths P, Mattick RP, Hickman M, Larney S.
Lancet Glob Health. 2017 Dec;5(12):e1192-e1207.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Effect of HSV-2 infection on subsequent HIV acquisition: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis.
Looker KJ, Elmes JAR, Gottlieb SL, Schiffer JT, Vickerman P, Turner KME, Boily MC.
Lancet Infect Dis. 2017 Dec;17(12):1303-1316.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Trends in meningococcal disease: challenges for vaccine control when disease is rare (Editorial).
Pollard AJ, Christensen H.
Med J Aust. 2017 Nov 6;207(9):380-381.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Non-specific effects of vaccines: plausible and potentially important, but implications uncertain.
Pollard AJ, Finn A, Curtis N.
Arch Dis Child. 2017 Nov;102(11):1077-1081.
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
Real-time modelling of a pandemic influenza outbreak.
Birrell PJ, Pebody RG, Charlett A, Zhang XS, De Angelis D.
Health Technol Assess. 2017 Oct;21(58):1-118.
Research theme: Evidence synthesis
Persistence of immunity after vaccination with a capsular group B meningococcal vaccine in 3 different toddler schedules.
Sadarangani M, Sell T, Iro MA, Snape MD, Voysey M, Finn A, Heath PT, Bona G, Esposito S, Diez Domingo J, Prymula R, Odueyungbo A, Toneatto D, Pollard AJ. European MenB Vaccine Study Group.
CMAJ. 2017 Oct 16;189(41):E1276-E1285.
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
Behavioural, not biological, factors drive the HCV epidemic among HIV-positive MSM: HCV and HIV modelling analysis including HCV treatment-as-prevention impact.
MacGregor L, Martin NK, Mukandavire C,Hickson F, Weatherburn P, Hickman M, Vickerman P.
Int J Epidemiol. 2017 Oct 1;46(5):1582-1592.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Diagnosis of some genital-tract infections: part 1. An historical perspective.
Taylor-Robinson D, Pallecaros A, Horner P.
Int J STD AIDS. 2017 Oct;28(11):1143-1149.
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
Assessing the impact and cost-effectiveness of needle and syringe provision and opioid substitution therapy on hepatitis C transmission among people who inject drugs in the UK: an analysis of pooled data sets and economic modelling.
Platt L, Sweeney S, Ward Z, Guinness L, Hickman M, Hope V, Hutchinson S, Maher L, Iversen J, Craine N, Taylor A, Munro A, Parry J, Smith J, Vickerman P.
Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2017 Sep. Public Health Research.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Needle syringe programmes and opioid substitution therapy for preventing hepatitis C transmission in people who inject drugs.
Platt L, Minozzi S, Reed J, Vickerman P, Hagan H, French C, Jordan A, Degenhardt L, Hope V, Hutchinson S, Maher L, Palmateer N, Taylor A, Bruneau J, Hickman M.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2017 Sep 18;9:CD012021.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
CD4:CD8 ratio and CD8 count as prognostic markers for mortality in HIV-positive patients on ART: Antiretroviral Therapy Cohort Collaboration.
Trickey A, May MT, Schommers P, Tate J, Ingle SM, Guest JL, Gill MJ, Zangerle R, Saag M, Reiss P, Monforte AD, Johnson M, Lima VD, Sterling TR, Cavassini M, Wittkop L, Costagliola D, Sterne JAC; Antiretroviral Therapy Cohort Collaboration (ART-CC).
Clin Infect Dis. 2017 Sep 15;65(6):959-966.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Elimination of hepatitis C virus infection among PWID: The beginning of a new era of interferon-free DAA therapy.
Grebely J, Bruneau J, Bruggmann P, Harris M, Hickman M, Rhodes T, Treloar C; International Network on Hepatitis in Substance Users; International Network on Hepatitis in Substance Users.
Int J Drug Policy. 2017 Sep;47:26-33.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Duration of intravenous antibiotic therapy for children with acute osteomyelitis or septic arthritis: a feasibility study.
De Graaf H, Sukhtankar P, Arch B, Ahmad N, Lees A, Bennett A, Spowart C, Hickey H, Jeanes A, Armon K, Riordan A, Herberg Hackett S, Gamble C, Shingadia D, Pallett A, Clarke SC, Henman P, Emonts M, Sharland M, Finn A, Pollard AJ, Powell C, Marsh P, Ballinger C, Williamson PR, Clarke NM, Faust SN.
Health Technol Assess. 2017 Sep;21(48):1-164.
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
Influence of the duration of penicillin prescriptions on outcomes for acute sore throat in adults: the DESCARTE prospective cohort study in UK general practice.
Moore M, Stuart B, Hobbs FR, Butler CC, Hay AD, Campbell J, Delaney BC, Broomfield S, Barratt P, Hood K, Everitt H, Mullee M, Williamson I, Mant D, Little P; DESCARTE investigators.
Br J Gen Pract. 2017 Sep;67(662):e623-e633.
Research theme: Primary care/Community trials
Symptom response to antibiotic prescribing strategies in acute sore throat in adults: the DESCARTE prospective cohort study in UK general practice.
Moore M, Stuart B, Hobbs FR, Butler CC, Hay AD, Campbell J, Delaney BC, Broomfield S, Barratt P, Hood K, Everitt HA, Mullee M, Williamson I, Mant D, Little P; DESCARTE investigators.
Br J Gen Pract. 2017 Sep;67(662):e634-e642.
Research theme: Primary care/Community trials
Estimating and modelling the transmissibility of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome CoronaVirus during the 2015 outbreak in the Republic of Korea.
Zhang XS, Pebody R, Charlett A, de Angelis D, Birrell P, Kang H, Baguelin M, Choi YH.
Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2017 Sep;11(5):434-444.
Research theme: Evidence synthesis
Research priorities to achieve universal access to hepatitis C prevention, management and direct-acting antiviral treatment among people who inject drugs.
Grebely J, Bruneau J, Lazarus JV, Dalgard O, Bruggmann P, Treloar C, Hickman M, Hellard M, Roberts T, Crooks L, Midgard H, Larney S, Degenhardt L, Alho H, Byrne J, Dillon JF, Feld JJ, Foster G, Goldberg D, Lloyd AR, Reimer J, Robaeys G, Torrens M, Wright N, Maremmani I, Norton BL, Litwin AH, Dore GJ; International Network on Hepatitis in Substance Users.
Int J Drug Policy. 2017 Sep;47:51-60.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Risk to heroin users of polydrug use of pregabalin or gabapentin.
Lyndon A, Audrey S, Wells C, Burnell ES, Ingle S, Hill R, Hickman M, Henderson G.
Addiction. 2017 Sep;112(9):1580-1589.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Integrated opioid substitution therapy and HIV care: a qualitative systematic review and synthesis of client and provider experiences.
Guise A, Seguin M, Mburu G, McLean S, Grenfell P, Islam Z, Filippovych S, Assan H, Low A, Vickerman P, Rhodes T.
AIDS Care. 2017 Sep;29(9):1119-1128.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Parent views on the content and potential impact of respiratory tract infection surveillance information: semistructured interviews to inform future research.
Kesten JM, Anderson E, Lane I, Hay AD, Cabral C.
BMJ Paediatr Open. 2017 Aug 11;1(1):e000036.
Research theme: Primary care/Community trials
Effect of Oral Prednisolone on Symptom Duration and Severity in Nonasthmatic Adults With Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infection: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Hay AD, Little P, Harnden A, Thompson M, Wang K, Kendrick D, Orton E, Brookes ST, Young GJ, May M, Hollinghurst S, Carroll FE, Downing H, Timmins D, Lafond N, El-Gohary M, Moore M.
JAMA. 2017 Aug 22;318(8):721-730
Research theme: Primary care/Community trials
A prospective cohort study of hospital separations among people who inject drugs in Australia: 2008-2013.
Nambiar D, Stoové M, Hickman M, Dietze P.
BMJ Open. 2017 Aug 18;7(8):e014854.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Methodological and statistical issues related to analysis of survival – Authors’ reply Survival of HIV-positive patients starting antiretroviral therapy between 1996 and 2013: a collaborative analysis of cohort studies.
Trickey A, May MT, Sterne JA.
Lancet HIV. 2017 Aug;4(8):e330.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Survival of HIV-positive patients starting antiretroviral therapy between 1996 and 2013: a collaborative analysis of cohort studies.
Antiretroviral Therapy Cohort Collaboration. Collaborators (23)Trickey A, May MT, Vehreschild JJ, Obel N, Gill MJ, Crane HM, Boesecke C, Patterson S, Grabar S, Cazanave C, Cavassini M, Shepherd L, Monforte AD, van Sighem A, Saag M, Lampe F, Hernando V, Montero M, Zangerle R, Justice AC, Sterling T, Ingle SM, Sterne JAC.
Lancet HIV. 2017 Aug;4(8):e349-e356.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Does exposure to opioid substitution treatment in prison reduce the risk of death after release? A national prospective observational study in England.
Marsden J, Stillwell G, Jones H, Cooper A, Eastwood B, Farrell M, Lowden T, Maddalena N, Metcalfe C, Shaw J, Hickman M.
Addiction. 2017 Aug;112(8):1408-1418.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Effect of evacuation and displacement on the association between flooding and mental health outcomes: a cross-sectional analysis of UK survey data.
Munro A, Kovats RS, Rubin GJ, Waite TD, Bone A, Armstrong B; English National Study of Flooding and Health Study Group.
Lancet Planet Health. 2017 Jul;1(4):e134-e141.
Research theme: Responsive research
Genital chlamydia trachomatis infections clear more slowly in men than women, but are less likely to become established.
Lewis J, Price MJ, Horner PJ, White PJ.
J Infect Dis. 2017 Jul 15;216(2):237-244.
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
Mycoplasma genitalium Infection in Men.
Horner PJ, Martin DH.
J Infect Dis. 2017 Jul 15;216(suppl_2):S396-S405.
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
Benchmarked performance charts using principal components analysis to improve the effectiveness of feedback for audit data in HIV care.
Michael S, Gompels M, Sabin C, Curtis H, May MT.
BMC Health Serv Res. 2017 Jul 24;17(1):506.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
The Antibiotic Guardian Campaign: a qualitative evaluation of an online pledge-based system focused on making better use of antibiotics.
Kesten JM, Bhattacharya A, Ashiru-Oredope D, Gobin M, Audrey S.
BMC Public Health. 2017 Jul 11;18(1):5.4552-9.
Research theme: Responsive research
New developments and opportunities for preventing hepatitis C virus (HCV) among people who use and inject drugs – announcing an Addiction series (Editorial note).
Hickman M, Grebely J, Bruneau J, Coffin P, Degenhardt L, Hutchinson S, Larney S, Martin N, Treloar C, Vickerman P.
Addiction. 2017 Jul;112(7):1126-1127.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Meningococcal disease in the Middle East and Africa: Findings and updates from the Global Meningococcal Initiative.
Borrow R, Caugant D, Ceyhan M, Christensen H, Dinleyici E, Findlow J, Glennie L, Von Gottberg A, Kechrid A, Vazquez Moreno J, Razki A, Smith V, Taha M-K, Tali-Maamar H, Zerouali K, Global Meningococcal Initiative (GMI).
J Infect. 2017 Jul;75(1):1-11.
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
How to eliminate HCV infection by antiviral treatment (Editorial).
Martin NK, Vickerman P, Hickman M.
J Hepatol. 2017 Jul;67(1):5-6.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Modelling the impact of incarceration and prison-based hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment on HCV transmission among people who inject drugs in Scotland.
Stone J, Martin NK, Hickman M, Hutchinson SJ, Aspinall E, Taylor A, Munro A, Dunleavy K, Peters E, Bramley P, Hayes PC, Goldberg DJ, Vickerman P.
Addiction. 2017 Jul;112(7):1302-1314.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Treatment and primary prevention in people who inject drugs (PWID) for Chronic Hepatitis C (CHC): Is elimination possible in a high prevalence setting?
Gountas I, Sypsa V, Anagnostou O, Martin N, Vickerman P, Kafetzopoulos E, Hatzakis A.
Addiction. 2017 Jul;112(7):1290-1299.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Volunteer trials of a novel improvised dry decontamination protocol for use during mass casualty incidents as part of the UK’S Initial Operational Response (IOR).
Amlôt R, Carter H, Riddle L, Larner J, Chilcott RP.
PLoS One. 2017 Jun16;12(6):e0179309.
Research theme: Responsive research
Chlamydia trachomatis incidence using self-reports and serology by gender, age period, and sexual behavior in a birth cohort.
Righarts AA, Morgan J, Horner PJ, Wills GS, McClure MO, Dickson NP.
Sex Transm Dis. 2017 Jun;44(6):344-350.
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
Defining the population attributable fraction for infectious diseases.
Brooks-Pollock E, Danon L.
Int J Epidemiol. 2017 Jun 1;46(3):976-982.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Short-term changes in the health state of children with group B meningococcal disease: A prospective, national cohort study.
Kennedy ITR, van Hoek AJ, Ribeiro S, Christensen H, Edmunds WJ, Ramsay ME, Ladhani SN.
PLoS One. 2017 May 18;12(5):e0177082.
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
Feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a within-consultation intervention to reduce antibiotic prescribing for children presenting to primary care with acute respiratory tract infection and cough.
Blair PS, Turnbull S, Ingram J, Redmond N, Lucas PJ, Cabral C, Hollinghurst S, Dixon P, Peters T, Horwood J, Little P, Francis NA, Gilbertson A, Jameson C, Hay AD.
BMJ Open. 2017 May 9;7(5):e014506.
Research theme: Primary care/Community trials
Impact of opioid substitution therapy on the HIV prevention benefit of antiretroviral therapy for people who inject drugs.
Mukandavire C, Low A, Mburu G, Trickey A, May MT, Davies CF, French CE, Looker KJ, Rhodes T, Platt L, Guise A, Hickman M, Vickerman P.
AIDS. 2017 May 15;31(8):1181-1190.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Rejoinder to: Implementation of low dead space syringes in response to an outbreak of HIV among people who inject drugs: A response to Kesten et al.
Kesten JM, Ayres R, Neale J, Clark J, Vickerman P, Hickman M, Redwood S.
Int J Drug Policy. 2017 May;43:142-143.
Research theme: Responsive research
Modeling Combination HCV Prevention among HIV-infected Men Who Have Sex With Men and People Who Inject Drugs.
Martin NK, Skaathun B, Vickerman P, Stuart D.
AIDS Rev. 2017 Apr – Jun;19(2):97-104.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Monitoring quality and coverage of harm reduction services for people who use drugs: a consensus study.
Wiessing L, Ferri M, Běláčková V, Carrieri P, Friedman SR, Folch C, Dolan K, Galvin B, Vickerman P, Lazarus JV, Mravčík V, Kretzschmar M, Sypsa V, Sarasa-Renedo A, Uusküla A, Paraskevis D, Mendão L, Rossi D, van Gelder N, Mitcheson L, Paoli L, Gomez CD, Milhet M, Dascalu N, Knight J, Hay G, Kalamara E, Simon R; EUBEST working group, Comiskey C, Rossi C, Griffiths P.
Harm Reduct J. 2017 Apr 22;14(1):19.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Parents’ perceptions of influenza and why they accept or decline the nasal vaccine for their child.
Moulsdale P, Grant A, Fletcher M, Finn A.
Nurs Child Young People. 2017 Apr 11;29(3):28-33.
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
HIV treatment as prevention among people who inject drugs – a re-evaluation of the evidence.
Fraser H, Mukandavire C, Martin NK, Hickman M, Cohen MS, Miller WC, Vickerman P.
Int J Epidemiol. 2017 Apr 1;46(2):466-478.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Identifying possible reasons why female street sex workers have poor drug treatment outcomes: a qualitative study.
Jeal N, Macleod J, Salisbury C, Turner K.
BMJ Open. 2017 Mar 22;7(3):e013018.
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
First estimates of the global and regional incidence of neonatal herpes infection.
Looker KJ, Magaret AS, May MT, Turner KME, Vickerman P, Newman LM, Gottlieb SL.
Lancet Glob Health. 2017 Mar;5(3):e300-e309.
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
Should Azithromycin 1g be abandoned as a treatment for bacterial STIs? The case for and against.
Horner P, Saunders, J.
Sex Transm Infect. 2017 Mar;93(2):85-87.
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
The English national cohort study of flooding and health: cross-sectional analysis of mental health outcomes at year one.
Waite TD, Chaintarli K, Beck CR, Bone A, Amlôt R, Kovats S, Reacher M, Armstrong B, Leonardi G, Rubin GJ, Oliver I.
BMC Public Health. 2017 Jan 28;17(1):129
Research theme: Responsive research
Proportion of Tubal Factor Infertility due to Chlamydia: Finite Mixture Modeling of Serum Antibody Titers.
Ades AE, Price MJ, Kounali D-Z, Akande V, Wills GS, McClure ML, Muir P, Horner PJ.
Am J Epidemiol. 2017 Jan 15;185(2):124-134.
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
Modelling the cost-effectiveness of catch-up ‘MenB’ (Bexsero) vaccination in England.
Christensen H, Trotter CL.
Vaccine. 2017 Jan 5;35(2):208-211.
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
Control of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae outbreaks in acute settings: An evidence review.
French CE, Coope C, Conway L, Higgins JP, McCulloch J, Okoli G, Patel BC, Oliver I.
J Hosp Infect. 2017 Jan;95(1):3-45.
Research theme: Responsive research
The Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection in Young Children (DUTY) Study Clinical Rule: Economic Evaluation.
Hollingworth W, Busby J, Butler CC, O’Brien K, Sterne JA, Hood K, Little P, Lawton M, Birnie K, Thomas-Jones E, Harman K, Hay AD; DUTY Study Team.
Value Health. 2017 Apr;20(4):556-566.
Research theme: Primary care/Community trials
Modelling the impact of incarceration and prison-based hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment on HCV transmission among people who inject drugs in Scotland.
Stone J, Martin NK, Hickman M, Hutchinson SJ, Aspinall E, Taylor A, Munro A, Dunleavy K, Peters E, Bramley P, Hayes PC, Goldberg DJ, Vickerman P.
Addiction. 2017 Jul;112(7):1302-1314.
Research theme: Economic evaluation and epidemic modelling
Comparison of microbiological diagnosis of urinary tract infection in young children by routine health service laboratories and a research laboratory: diagnostic cohort study.
Birnie K, Hay AD, Wootton M, Howe R, Macgowan A, Whiting P, Lawton M, Delaney B, Downing H, Dudley J, Hollingworth W, Lisles C, Little P, O’Brien K, Pickles T, Rumsby K, Thomas-Jones E, Van der Voort J, Waldron C-A, Harman K, Hood K, Butler CC, Sterne JA.
PLoS One. 2017 Feb 15;12(2):e0171113
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
Comparison of the population excess fraction of Chlamydia trachomatis infection on pelvic inflammatory disease at 12-months in the presence and absence of chlamydia testing and treatment: Systematic review and retrospective cohort analysis.
Davies B, Turner KM, Leung S, Yu BN, Frølund M, Benfield T, Blanchard J, Westh H; Danish Chlamydia Study, Ward H.
PLoS One. 2017 Feb 15;12(2):e0171551. eCollection 2017.
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
The Global Meningococcal Initiative: global epidemiology, the impact of vaccines on meningococcal disease and the importance of herd protection.
Borrow R, Alarcón P, Carlos J, Caugant DA, Christensen H, Debbag R, De Wals P, Echániz-Aviles G, Findlow J, Head C, Holt D, Kamiya H, Saha SK, Sidorenko S, Taha MK, Trotter C, Vázquez Moreno JA, von Gottberg A, Sáfadi MA; Global Meningococcal Initiative.
Expert Rev Vaccines. 2017 Apr;16(4):313-328.
Research theme: Developing microbiology/Population studies
Acceptability of low dead space syringes and implications for their introduction: A qualitative study in the West of England.
Kesten JM, Ayres R, Neale J, Clark J, Vickerman P, Hickman M, Redwood S.
Int J Drug Policy. 2017 Jan;39:99-108.
Research theme: Responsive research