The NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Behavioural Science and Evaluation at University of Bristol (HPRU BSE) brings together multidisciplinary teams with a research focus on:
- intervention development and implementation
- understanding risk and behaviour
- clinical and economic evidence
- evidence synthesis and evaluation.
Our strategy for academic career development is to offer tailored training and provide a supportive environment where researchers can develop their skills and knowledge to benefit their current and future careers, and undertake impactful, world-leading, policy-relevant research.
Our objectives are to:
- provide a comprehensive skills training programme for HPRU BSE affiliated students, researchers, academics, UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) staff and trainees
- provide career development training and support for research staff, academics, and trainees
- work together with the NIHR Academy and training leads across the NIHR community to build research capacity.
Collaboration is central to the work of HPRU BSE. We offer training in knowledge mobilisation, communications, and patient and public involvement and engagement for colleagues across all Health Protection Research Units (HPRUs) in England. We also provide opportunities for capacity building in behavioural science through leading the cross-HPRU behavioural science network.
Our research is done in close collaboration with UKHSA. All PhD students are jointly supervised by academics and UKHSA colleagues. We are committed to exploring ways of working more closely with other partners, including industry.
The Academic Career Development Lead for HPRU BSE is Dr Hannah Christensen, Senior Lecturer and NIHR Career Development Fellow (hannah.christensen@bristol.ac.uk). Please contact Hannah for more information.